At the moment I'm really into:
~Coffee. Anyone who knows me really well will know that I have never liked coffee, and have always been a tea-drinker. Since my sister, who works at a cafe, got hooked, she's converted me.....I like it a lot. Especially Cafe Bombon, which is espresso made with sweetened condensed milk! So good.

~LOTR, especially The Return of the King. I love it!! I never enjoyed the books, but now I'm quite interested in the story, especially the movies' untold stories, like Eowyn and Faramir.

~"Our Zoo", the new British TV series. I love it! It's post WWI, and full of nice costumes, wonderful accents and funny characters.

And.....the doctor, Doctor Ford, who we always remarked reminded us very much of Joly, I just discovered, actually IS potrayed by that actor, Hugh Skinner!

He's hilarious!
And the scenery and locations are beautiful!

But, seriously, if you get then chance, watch it - it's so good. I've seen the first four out of six episodes. I shall attempt to write a review when we're done.
Anyway, I have to go, apologies for the lack of interesting-ness in my posts (mostly updates) lately....
Will try to improve that!
Ooh that Our Zoo sounds great!