Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Tag. Again.

Evie was tagged with this tag and left it for any followers to do, so I decided to take it up!


Rules for this tag:
1.  Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog. 
2. Put the Award logo on your blog. 
3.  Answer the ten questions sent to you.
4.  Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer. 
5.  Nominate ten blogs. 

Evie's questions:

If you were going to write a book, what would you call it and what would it be about?
Ah. Yeah, well, I've tried countless times to write a book, but have never gotten past the first few chapters. I'm not much of a writer. If I could write, it might be a Les Mis fan-fic sequel.....called....something. I dunno.

What’s one of the scariest things you’ve ever done?
That's a hard one. I haven't done many scary things in my lifetime. I really don't know. The scariest thing would probably be performing a skit in front of 200+ plus, which isn't that scary, really. 

If someone were to make a movie about your life, who would you hope would play you?
I'm not that particular as long as whoever it was looked like me and understood me and what I'm like. :)

What’s one of your favorite questions to ask new friends or to get a conversation going?
Have you heard of Les Miserables? Um, well, I might ask that, but I don't really know. Maybe "Do you like reading?" or some other such question relevant to who the person is or where we are.

If you could learn one random skill, what would you learn?
Knowing how to ride a unicycle would be cool.
Or one-handed clapping. :)

                                                                              Just 'cos.



Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Somewhere in the middle, but more introvert.

Have you ever taken a personality test? (How did the results turn out?)
Only movie ones, in which I have been Lizzy Bennet and Aragorn, and I don't know who else.
Production picture from the BBC television production of Pride and Prejudice
Just a random pic there.

What’s your favorite part about today so far?
Ringing my BFF, because it's her birthday today! :)

Who in your life has influenced you the most? How did they do it?
My parents. For bringing me up and teaching me (almost) everything I know. (But then, they taught me to read, which then taught me most of everything else I know!) And they still are :)

What’s your favorite joke?
I don't really know if I have a favourite joke, to be honest. I always get stuck when asked for a joke. 
But I like text-jokes, especially Les Mis ones.

Yeah, anyway....

Here are my questions:
1. When did you start blogging?
2. What's your current favourite song/piece of music?
3. Favourite movie?
4. What's the last book you read?
5. What are the two things on the top of your bucket list?
6.Who's your favourite child actor/movie character?
7.What's your favourite quote?
8.If you could spend two months in any country, where would it be?
9. If you could play any character in a musical, who would it be?
10. Would you rather go for a bike ride in the rain or a run when it's really hot?

I'll tag whoever sees this post and wants to do it!

So, anyway, signing off now.
I'll just add, if you have any ideas for future posts, questions, etc, please let me know in the comments!


  1. Ooh awesome answers!! :D Where did you get your blog background because it is BEAUTIFUL!?! :D

    1. When did you start blogging?
    A year ago I think... hey it's my blogger anniversary!

    2. What's your current favourite song/piece of music?
    and! cause we are playing it at school

    3. Favourite movie?
    S&S 1995 and Into teh Woods

    4. What's the last book you read?
    The Hobbit

    5. What are the two things on the top of your bucket list?
    NZ and Hobbiton! and I'm checking them off! :D

    6.Who's your favourite child actor/movie character?
    Margaret Dashwood and Gavroche from Les Mis

    7.What's your favourite quote?
    "Music is a form of magic" Dr James Cuskelly (My friend)

    8.If you could spend two months in any country, where would it be?
    NZ or America and staying with Jess

    9. If you could play any character in a musical, who would it be?
    well if girls were allowed to I'd play the Phantom or Rauol or Enjolres
    and female hmm
    Mary Poppins, Maria Elphaba :D

    10. Would you rather go for a bike ride in the rain or a run when it's really hot?
    Bike ride

    1. Thanks, Evie! It's just a blogger template one - I sort of rigged up this look in a hurry to get off the computer!
      Happy blogiversary!
      Thanks for answering!

    2. Thanks, Evie! It's just a blogger template one - I sort of rigged up this look in a hurry to get off the computer!
      Happy blogiversary!
      Thanks for answering!

    3. Oooooh! Well it looks SO pretty! =D
