Tuesday, 27 November 2012

I have been awarded!!

    I have been tagged by Violet, and awarded the Liebster Blog award!!!


1. You must post 11 facts about yourself

2. You must also answer the 11 questions that the awarder has given you, and create 11 questions for your awardees to answer in turn.

3. Tag 11 fellow bloggers.

4. Notify them that you've awarded them.

5. No tagging back.

6. And the 11 blogs that you tag must have less than 200 followers.

11 Facts about myself:

1. I LOVE horses! I have lots of books, posters and stuff with horses on them.
2. I started blogging when I was nine. My first blog was shared with my sister, and it was called "Notebook for Girls."
3. My favourite authour is Jane Austen.
4. I really enjoy reading mysteries. (Trixie Belden, Nancy Drew and Jennie McGrady. The Jennie books are written by a christian authour.
5. When I was eleven I was bitten with photography bug - I love photography! Funnily enough I started when we were on holiday :-).
6. I play a cornet (small trumpet) for a training brass band - we have a big concert this week - I am soooo nervous!
7. I taught myself to play piano. I like playing hymns and classical music, etc.
8. Ever since I was born, our family have gone pretty much every year for the holidays at my Nana & Poppa's place in the North Shore, Auckland. The beach, Zoo, and parks and playgrounds have been frequently visited up there :-).
9. My favourite actors are Tommy Kirk and Jennifer Ehle. (Swiss Family Robinson and Pride & Prejudice).
10. I enjoy listening to Brooke Fraser and Jason Coghill.
11. I got my Bible when I was six years old - I have had it for nearlt seven years.
    Here are Violet's questions:
  1. If you could choose to live in one era other than today, when would it be and why?
  2. What is a Bible verse (or verses) that has particularly challenged and/or encouraged you lately?
  3. Do you prefer hot chocolate, tea or coffee or none of these?
  4. What is your favourite musical instrument?
  5. If you were to write and publish a book/direct a movie, what would you call it and what would it be about?
  6. What is your favourite subject/hobby/pastime?
  7. Do you think you are an introvert or an extrovert or a mixture of both?
  8. What is a name you really like?
  9. Is there a book you once read which you couldn't put down until you had finished it?
  10. Do you have a favourite hymn and why is it your favourite?
  11. Is there some way that the Lord has been working in your life recently that you want to share?

And my answers:
1. Definitely Regency in England - I just love Jane Austen's novels, and Jane Austen blogs!
2. "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we can not see." Hebrews 11:1
3. Hot Chocolate or Chai Tea.
4. Violin. I've always wanted to play a violin!
5. I would love to make a movie of the book my sister is writing ;-). It doesn't have a title yet.
6. I really enjoy baking.
7. A mixture. I am quite intraverted about my own personal struggles, though.
8. When I was little I always wanted to be called Milly.
9. I once read a book called "The Sunroom" by a Christian author. (I can't remember her name.) It was a really good story.
10. My favourite hymns are numerous, but ever since I was about 6, my favourite hymn was "I Know Not Why God's Wonderous Grace". I don't know why it appealed to me then, but now I like it because of the meaning in the words.
11. I don't really know. Lately at Catechsim Class we were talking about the fact that the Bible says that all Christians are (or will be) persecuted. I thought that was scary at first, but very moving.

I am going to tag:

Miss Margaret Dashwood
Miss Jen
Southern Belle
Tea in a Teacup
Miss Dashwood
Anne-girl (sorry, I couldn't find any other link).

My questions for them are:

1. What is your favourite colour?
2. Which do you prefer: Brussel sprouts or celery?
3. Who's your favourite authour?
4. What is your favourite Bible verse, or one that has inspired/encouraged you lately?
5. What was/is your least favourite subject in school?
6. What would be your dream job?
7. Have you ever spoken or performed in public? Were you nervous?
8. What is your favourite holiday location?
9. What is one of the best movies you've ever watched?
10. I you could go anywhere in the world for a vacation, where would you go? How long would you go for and what would you do?
11. A dog or a cat?

I hope to post again soon!


  1. Hi Emily! Thanks so much for tagging me! I've had this tag several times now and I'm not going to post it on my blog again because I don't want my readers to go "Not again!!" :P, but your questions look so fun that I can't help answering them. Do you mind if I just do it here in the comment box? If you'd rather not, feel free to delete this comment. :D

    1. What is your favourite colour?
    Pink or olive green.
    2. Which do you prefer: Brussel sprouts or celery?
    Brussels sprouts!!! I abhor celery.
    3. Who's your favourite authour?
    Jane Austen. :D
    4. What is your favourite Bible verse, or one that has inspired/encouraged you lately?
    Psalm 91 in its entirety-- I know that's more than one verse but it's been very special to me lately.
    5. What was/is your least favourite subject in school?
    Math... ugh. So glad to be done with that forever. ;)
    6. What would be your dream job?
    Acting in period dramas. :D That's not very likely to happen, though, so I'll say sewing historical clothing... oh wait! I DO do that! :D
    7. Have you ever spoken or performed in public? Were you nervous?
    I had to give a speech in front of about 200 people once, and yes, I was incredibly nervous!
    8. What is your favourite holiday location?
    Heehee, my American vocabulary is a bit confused by this question-- I'm assuming by "holiday" you mean "vacation," so I'll answer it as such (and probably be embarrassed when it turns out you meant something else. :P) Anyway, I love going to the beach with my family.
    9. What is one of the best movies you've ever watched?
    So many! But I'll choose a movie and not a miniseries, so... Sense and Sensibility 1995.
    10. If you could go anywhere in the world for a vacation, where would you go? How long would you go for and what would you do?
    I would go to England and visit London and Jane Austen's house and Richmond and Southampton and Liverpool and the north country and have myself a grand time. And I would never leave. :D
    11. A dog or a cat?
    A cat! I don't have one, but I like them very much.

    That was fun! Thank you!

  2. Hello Emily! Thanks so much for tagging my blog. I have never had a blog award, and I am not quite sure what to do!

    Since my blog is more about history than it is about me, I thought I might post my answers here and then link to it from my blog. I hope that is ok.

    Here I go!
    1. What is your favourite colour?
    Blue, but purple is a close second!
    2. Which do you prefer: Brussel sprouts or celery?
    I don't like either really, but I would eat both if I was served them.
    3. Who is your favourite author?
    I have several, but Georgette Heyer would probably be my favourite!
    4. What is your favourite Bible verse, or one that has inspired/encouraged you lately?
    My favourite Bible verse is Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
    5. What was/is your least favourite subject in school?
    Strangely English! I loved fiction writing and reading but never understood text/novel analysis or media analysis... I understand it a bit more now and I can enjoy it! I also love literature analysis now, though I am not that good at it.
    6. What would be your dream job?
    I have so many things I would like to do that it is hard to pick a favourite! I would love to own a Jane Austen themed coffee shop!
    7. Have you ever spoken or performed in public? Were you nervous?
    I am a teacher, so I often speak to small groups without being too nervous. But I have realised that public speaking is a lot like acting... you just pretend and then speak!
    8. What is your favourite holiday location?
    There is a place in the outer east of Melbourne (Australia) that we go camping as a family. It is in the valley of a mountain range and not many people go there so it is quiet and peaceful and we can toast marshmallows and ride bikes. It is a GREAT place to look at the stars!
    9. What is one of the best movies you've ever watched?
    My favourite movie has always been Anne of Green Gables. I have found it inspiring at many different difficult phases of my life.
    10. If you could go anywhere in the world for a vacation, where would you go? How long would you go for and what would you do?
    I would love to go to Canada and work for a year and travel around there. The other place I would love to go is all over Europe and England.
    11. A dog or a cat?
    We have a dog... a BIG one!

    Thank you!

    1. Thanks for the reply, Tea in a Teacup.
      Are you still going to post 11 facts about yourself, tag 11 people and give them 11 questions?

      Emily :D
